Thames Television announces the opening of its British television service in America


Thames buys a week on WOR-TV Channel 9 and announces it in print on 6 September 1976


Today, from the television mast on the Empire State Building, a British television service begins transmitting to the 17 million people of New York. To celebrate the US Bicentennial and the 21st anniversary of ITV in Britain, Thames Television is making broadcasting history with a week on New York’s Channel 9.

Thames Television New York is a completely British television service in programmes, news, announcers and presentation, together with British-style commercial breaks in which leading UK companies are advertising to America.

This unique event has been created for Britain thanks to Thames’ enterprise, and to the international reputation of British television. The objective is to increase still further the company’s programme exports, which have already won the distinction of American Emmy awards for The World at War and Jennie, Lady Randolph Churchill. We hope also to promote effectively those companies who have joined us in the venture, and to help consolidate Britain’s business reputation in America.

We would like to thank WOR-TV New York, the American Federal Communications Commission, the British Overseas Trade Board London, The British Trade Development Office New York and Thames’ staff in London and New York for the enthusiastic support which made possible Thames Television New York.

About the author

Transdiffusion: the independent broadcasting authority since 1964

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