Euston – a bird’s eye view
The new Thames Television studios are about to start rising on the Euston Road in February 1969
The new Thames Television studios are about to start rising on the Euston Road in February 1969
A random day at Thames in 1970... planned to the very second
Thames provides a quick guide to what they can do for trainees wanting to enter television in 1977
Thames and ITV begin to settle down... but changes are afoot at the new company's majority shareholder
A personal and informative account of Thames at Euston
Teddington, Euston and OB units combine to make great television
Data about the Thames company and region
The last staff leave Television House in Kingsway for the new Thames Television House in Euston
Thames goes into colour on 17 November 1969
The staff move in and Thames Television House starts business on 16 November 1969
The head of engineering projects lets staff know where the construction at Euston is up to in September 1969