Television & Radio 1987


The official IBA guide to Thames Television in 1987




London: Thames Television House, 306-316 Euston Road., London NW1 3BB
Tel: 01-387 9494
149 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9LL
Tel: 01-388 5199
Teddington: Teddington Lock, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 9NT
Tel: 01-977 3252
Regional Sales: Norfolk House, Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B5 4LJ
Tel: 021-643 9151
Mobile Division: Twickenham Road, Hanworth, Middlesex
Tel: 01-898 0011

Directors. H.S.L Dundas, CBE, DSO, DFC, DL (Chairman); Sir John Read (Deputy Chairman); Richard Dunn (Managing Director); Mrs Mary Baker; The Lord Brabourne; John T Davey; Ronald Denny; Peter Hayman; Harold Mourgue; Sir Ian Trethowan; Colin S Wills; Derek Hunt (Director of Finance); Ben E. Marr (Company Secretary and Director of Personnel; Jonathan Shier (Director of Sales and Marketing); David Elstein (Director of Programmes)

Executives. Roy Addison (Press and Publicity Director); Ronald Allison (Director of Corporate Affairs); Fred Atkinson (Director of Production); Derek Baker (Assistant Company Secretary); Bob Burrows (Controller, Sport and OBs); Paul Cheffins, MBE (Controller, Sales Administration); James Corsan (Controller, Programme Administration); Dave Cottrell (Technical Controller, Euston). Mike Coxill (Technical Controller); Patrick Downing (Controller, Visual Services); Catherine Freeman (Controller, Features); James Gilbert (Head of Comedy Programmes); William Goddard (Head of Presentation); Johnny Goodman (Executive Director of Production, Euston Films); Mike Harvey (Controller Press and Publicity); Allan Horrox (Controller, Children’s and Education Dept); Ian Howard (Controller of Contracts); Philip Jones, OBE (Controller of Light Entertainment); Peter Kew (Head of Central Planning); Max Lawson (Assistant Director of Finance); Bob Louis (Assistant Controller, Light Entertainment); Geoffrey Lugg (Head of Programme Liaison); David Mansfield (Controller, Marketing). Jim MacDonald (Controller, Technical Operations); Ian Martin (Head of Documentaries); Ewart Needham (Head of Film); Anthony Parkinson (Controller, Administration); Tim Riordan (Controller, Programme Planning and Presentation); Barrie Sales (Controller, News, Current Affairs and Documentaries); Brian Scott (Chief Engineer); Lloyd Shirley (Controller of Drama); Mark Stephens (Labour Relations Adviser); Douglas Thornes (Controller, Sales Research and Development); Brian Walcroft (Assistant Controller, Drama); John White (Production Development Executive); John White Jones (Production Director, Teddington).

Thames Television International. Richard Dunn (Chairman); Mike Phillips (Managing Director); Derek Hunt; Philip Jones, OBE; Ben E Marr; Roger Miron (Sales Controller)

Cosgrove Hall Productions. Richard Dunn (Chairman); Brian Cosgrove (Executive Director); John Hambley (Chief Executive); Mark Hall (Executive Director); Ben E Marr; Mike Robinson (General Manager)

Euston Films Ltd. 365 Euston Road, London NW1 3AR. Richard Dunn (Chairman); lohn Hambley (Chief Executive); Johnny Goodman (Executive Director of Production); Lord Brabourne; Derek Hunt; Mike Phillips; Lloyd Shirley; Colin Wills

Programmes. From Monday to Friday each week, Thames Television transmits to more than 10 million people in and around the London area.

Since 1968 Thames has produced thousands upon thousands of hours of programming for its viewers in London, as well as for millions of others around the ITV network, and its substantial audiences throughout the world.

Thames contributes to every programme category offered by ITV. From its studios on the Euston Road in Central London, and on the River Thames at Teddington, Middlesex, ITV’s largest company produces major drama, entertainment, documentary, news and current affairs programmes. It also contributes a substantial amount of religious, children’s and educational programmes. With its large outside broadcast units, Thames also masterminds much of ITV s coverage of sport as well as special events, such as the Royal Wedding and Fanfare for Elizabeth, which celebrated the Queen’s 60th Birthday

Two subsidiary companies – Euston Films making filmed drama, and Manchester-based Cosgrove Hall making model and drawn animation – complete Thames’ programme team. A third subsidiary, Thames Television International, sells Thames programmes around the world.

Earlier this year, Thames was able to persuade investors of its values, with a highly successful stock market flotation which broadened its shareholding to include many of the viewers in its London area.

Thames News presenter Andrew Gardner.

But the company’s main commitment remains – as it has done for 18 years – to its programmes and its viewers.
DRAMA: Minder; The Bill; The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾; The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole; Rumpole of the Bailey; Paradise Postponed; King & Castle; Lytton’s Diary; The Fourth Floor. CHILDREN’S: T-Bag Strides Again; Flicks; Rainbow; Sooty; Button Moon; The Creepy Crawlies; Dangermouse; Wind in the Willows; Alias The Jester; Splash; Chocky’s Challenge; C.A.B. LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT: Give Us A Clue; Jim Davidson; This Is Your Life; The Benny Hill Show; Looks Familiar; The TVTimes Top Ten Awards; Never The Twain; Mike Yarwood; Whose Baby?; Carry On Laughing; Chance In A Million; Mann’s Best Friend; Whats My Line?; The Kit Curran Show; Fresh Fields; Freddie Starr Special; All In Good Faith; Slinger’s Day; Executive Stress; We’ll Think Of Something; Full House; All At No 20; Pass The Buck; Julia & Company. CURRENT AFFAIRS Thames News; Reporting London; This Week. SPORTS AND OUTSIDE BROADCASTS: Ice Skating; Gymnastics; Midweek & Bank Holiday Sport Special; Football; Racing; Snooker; Darts; Boxing; Athletics. SPECIALS Miss UK; Miss England; Royal Film Premières; Wish You Were Here…?; Miss World; The Royal Wedding; Fanfare For Elizabeth; Standard Drama Awards. DOCUMENTARIES, FEATURES, EDUCATION: A People’s War; Broken Hearts; No One Speaks for the Dead; The Big Bang; British Cinema; Personal View; The Queen and the Commonwealth; To Us A Child; Buster Keaton; Daytime; A Plus 4; Cooking for Celebrations; Massage; The English House; Understanding Adolescents; Burning the Phoenix; Spin-offs; Help!; Someone To Talk To; How to Survive The 9 to 5; 4 What It‘s Worth. RELIGION: Night Thoughts; The Road to Damascus; Healing Power.

About the author

Mike Melaniphy was editor of the IBA Yearbooks from 1986 until 1988

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